I made this a long time ago but put it off until I had programmed enough to digitize it without my fingers leaving the home row. I think the finish is interesting.
LITS - Nikoli. Exactly one tetromino per region, no 2x2s, they’re connected, adjacent tetrominoes are noncongruent.

Yeah, I lied last time I made one of these; the original Nikoli name wasn’t that hard to remember, and “sashigane puzzles” has shown up as a search query, so here you go. Perfect opposite-type-clue rotational symmetry, chaotic_iak! I hope you’re satisfied now.
I have just realized that I have only ever tried one level of difficulty in puzzle construction, viz., “as hard as I can make it”. This is mainly because I don’t want to construct anything overly trivial with the same few tricks, but, well, maybe it’s not the best idea for actually trying to build an audience.
Am I actually trying to build an audience? Am I? *shudders*
(Yajilin summary: fill in some cells, draw a loop through the rest, filled cells aren’t adjacent, arrows denote # of filled cells along some ray; MellowMelon’s rules)
Again, the Zotmeister type. (Short rules: each cell states how many liars are in the 3x3 square centered at it, liars incorrectly so. Liars satisfy the “dynasty” rule i.e. liars are not orthogonally adjacent and non-liars are connected through sides.)
Corral puzzle, aka Cave aka Bag etc. (Yes, from nikoli.) Short rules: draw a loop along the grid lines; each numbered cell is in the loop and the number denotes how many cells can be seen vertically or horizontally from that cell, plus the cell itself. Stealing link to MellowMelon’s long rules.
Slitherlink with 20 clues taken out as dominoes and their original positions shaded. For more lucid rules please visit MellowMelon’s puzzle 263.
Domino set is all possible dominoes exactly once each: {00,01,02,03,11,12,13,22,23,33}
A bonus gift for the birthday of a very important person! Ignore the colors while solving.
Just a normal one this time.
Somewhat depressing almost-symmetry.
If you are reading this, then our APMO testing time is over! There’s a small chance of me being really happy or really frustrated about how I did, but I’m betting on a solid “meh.”
Rules page by mathgrant. There’s no way I’m going to memorize the Japanese name yet. [edit: It’s Sashigane. It’s not that hard.]