Tag → logic puzzle

Puzzle 21 / LITS

I made this a long time ago but put it off until I had programmed enough to digitize it without my fingers leaving the home row. I think the finish is interesting.

LITS - Nikoli. Exactly one tetromino per region, no 2x2s, they’re connected, adjacent tetrominoes are noncongruent.

Puzzle 20 / Sashigane

Yeah, I lied last time I made one of these; the original Nikoli name wasn’t that hard to remember, and “sashigane puzzles” has shown up as a search query, so here you go. Perfect opposite-type-clue rotational symmetry, chaotic_iak! I hope you’re satisfied now.

Puzzle 19 / Yajilin

I have just realized that I have only ever tried one level of difficulty in puzzle construction, viz., “as hard as I can make it”. This is mainly because I don’t want to construct anything overly trivial with the same few tricks, but, well, maybe it’s not the best idea for actually trying to build an audience.

Am I actually trying to build an audience? Am I? *shudders*

(Yajilin summary: fill in some cells, draw a loop through the rest, filled cells aren’t adjacent, arrows denote # of filled cells along some ray; MellowMelon’s rules)

Puzzle 12 / Sashigane

If you are reading this, then our APMO testing time is over! There’s a small chance of me being really happy or really frustrated about how I did, but I’m betting on a solid “meh.”

Rules page by mathgrant. There’s no way I’m going to memorize the Japanese name yet. [edit: It’s Sashigane. It’s not that hard.]