Puzzle 46 / Fillomino [LITS + Extra Region + Walls + Anti-Walls + Inequality + Tapa + Masyu]

5:27 PM phenomist: do you use gridderface to make pretty puzzles?

5:52 PM phenomist: actually nvm excel is probably easier lol

Okay I’m sorry this is a horrible puzzle where the rules don’t make sense and I didn’t even get it testsolved. I just wanted an image to concisely demonstrate the capabilities of gridderface, my puzzle marking and creation program, for the project homepage, after somebody expressed interest in using the program to write a puzzle. Then I got tremendously carried away.



  • L, I, T, S are comparable, but not in that order.
  • The Tapa clue isn’t part of any polyomino.
  • The Masyu clue restricts the borders around three intersections, including itself.
  • (Is there a name for Fillominoes with the opposite of walls?)

Other than that, you’ll have to figure out the rules yourself (partly because I am lazy and partly because if I listed the rules it would probably take longer to read and understand them than to apply them to the puzzle…)

Anyway, this post is actually to say that it is now possible to use the Scala reboot of gridderface without spending forever to attempt to install Scala, because I figured out how to make .jar file releases. It’s probably still hard to use but who knows?

Because it’s a full rewrite, the version is back to 0.2 unlike the old 0.5. As I noted earlier, the code base was horrible.

By the way here is the Heyawake phenomist eventually made.

Okay back to homework (and agonizing over which college to go to).

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