
:%s/\%xa0/ /ge
sage: R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
sage: f = R.lagrange_polynomial([(0,1),(2,2),(3,-2),(-4,9)]); f
-23/84*x^3 - 11/84*x^2 + 13/7*x + 1
/def key_pgdn = /dokey_hpage
/def key_pgup = /dokey_hpageback
/def -b'^J' = /dokey_line
/def -b'^K' = /dokey_lineback
;; ...
/def -PCred -F -t'fire'
/def -PCmagenta -F -t'#\d+'
on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Firefox" to activate
    tell application "System Events"
        keystroke "|"
        delay 0.15
        key code 125
        key code 123
        delay 0.15
        keystroke "|"
        delay 0.15
        key code 125
        key code 123
        delay 0.15
        keystroke "|"
        delay 0.15
        key code 125
        key code 123
        delay 0.15
        keystroke "|"
        delay 0.15
        key code 125
        key code 123
        delay 0.15
        keystroke "|"
        delay 0.15
        key code 125
        key code 123
    end tell
    return input
end run

(note: the commenting setup here is experimental and I may not check my comments often; if you want to tell me something instead of the world, email me!)