
Parts of this (a majority of questions, I hope) are intended as satire. Other parts of this are silliness created to blow off steam from being coerced into spending nine unproductive hours. Still other parts exist simply because I wanted to have equally many questions per test. Also, 256th post w00t. (2019 edit: after the migration, this post count is wildly incorrect, but whatever.)

“Verbal Reasoning”

Directions: The questions in this test are multiple-choice. Each question has four possible choices. Read each question and decide which answer is the best answer. Find the row in your answer sheet that matches the number of the question. In that row, fill in the oval corresponding to the answer you selected.

  1. height : tall :: size :
    1. big
    2. hot
    3. random
    4. soft
  2. malapert : effrontery :: argute :

    1. acumen
    2. esthesia
    3. hagiolatry
    4. mendacity
  3. Bob wants to investigate which color of light allows plants to grow best. Which of the following ways is a good way to test this hypothesis?

    1. Buy a plant and supply a strobe light as its only light source
    2. Buy many identical plants and let them grow in containers covered with cellophane of various colors
    3. Find human test subjects and make them eat a lot of vegetables and food coloring
    4. Play Plants vs. Zombies while wearing various glasses with different colored lens
  4. Mr. Jones has four children, whose ages (which are all considered as positive integers) sum to 12. Which of the following pieces of information will uniquely identify the set of ages of Mr. Jones’ children?

    1. The sum of the number of positive divisors of each of their ages is 7.
    2. The sum of the squares of their ages is 44.
    3. The sum of the cubes of their ages is 252.
    4. The product of their ages is 48.
  5. People who play Anti-Idle: The Game nightly to procrastinate for a month may reach Level 900. Bob has played Anti-Idle: The Game nightly to procrastinate for a month. Based on the above information, it can be most strongly inferred that

    1. Bob has unlocked all main features
    2. Bob has unlocked all 50 Garden plots
    3. Bob has 1000% Max Boosts
    4. Bob’s Daily Bonus is maxed out


Directions: The questions in this test are multiple-choice questions. Each question has four possible choices. Read each question and decide which answer is the best answer to the question. Find the row in your answer sheet that matches the number of the question you are working on. In that row, fill in the oval (which is, you know, actually a circle) corresponding to the answer you selected.

  1. “Many species living at the bottom of an aquatic biome make use of dead organic matter called detritus as a food source.” In this sentence, the underlined word most nearly means
    1. dead organic matter
    2. destroyed environment
    3. loose grains of rock
    4. worthless material
  2. “By playing the word TRAMMEL across the triple word score on his last turn, the challenger won the game.” In this sentence, the underlined word most nearly means

    1. fishing net
    2. instrument for drawing ellipses
    3. shackle for training a horse
    4. hook used to hang a pot over a fire
  3. “When partially ordered by inclusion, varieties of bands naturally form a lattice, in which the meet of two varieties is their intersection and the join of two varieties is the smallest variety that contains both of them.” In this sentence, the underlined word most nearly means

    1. a semigroup in which every element has finite order
    2. a semigroup in which every element is idempotent
    3. a semigroup in which no two distinct elements commute
    4. a semigroup in which the cancellation laws hold
  4. private static ______ long HALF_MAX_LONG = 0x4000000000000000L;

    In this question, the word that best fits into the blank is
    1. constant
    2. value
    3. final
    4. fixed
  5. “The questions in this test are __________-choice questions.”

    In this question, the word that best fits into the blank is
    1. multiple
    2. multiple
    3. multiple
    4. multiple

“Reading Comprehension”

Directions: The questions in this test are multiple-choice questions. Each question on this test has four possible choices. Read each question on this test and decide which of the four provided answers is the best answer to the question. Find the row in your answer sheet with a number that matches the number of the question you are working on. In that row, fill in the oval with the same letter as the letter of the answer you selected.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

  1. The ID of the person who submitted this program was
    1. C++
    2. betaveros
    3. main
    4. test
  2. The name of the input file from which the ifstream fin is constructed is

    1. “ab.in”
    2. “input.txt”
    3. “stdin”
    4. “test.in”
  3. This passage uses all of the functionality below EXCEPT

    1. file output
    2. floating-point arithmetic
    3. multiline comments
    4. overloaded operators
  4. The main point of this passage is

    1. to finish with an exit code of 0
    2. to inform the general public about the importance of learning programming
    3. to read two integers and compute their sum
    4. to serve as a test suite of the <string> library
  5. The tone of the author of this passage can best be described as

    1. angry
    2. bored
    3. condescending
    4. desperate

“Writing Mechanics”

dIrections: the questions in this test, are multiple-choice questions each question on this test has for possible choice. Read each question on this test and decide, which of the for provided anser, is a best anser to question; Find the row in your Anser sheet with a number that matchs the number of the question you are working on. In that row fill in, the oval with the same letter; as the letter of the anser you selected.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

  1. Which of the following lines does NOT contain a spelling error?
    1. Line 2
    2. Line 5
    3. Line 12
    4. Line 13
  2. Which of the following lines does NOT contain a capitalization error?

    1. Line 4
    2. Line 8
    3. Line 11
    4. Line 14
  3. Which of the following lines does NOT contain a punctuation error?

    1. Line 3
    2. Line 7
    3. Line 9
    4. Line 10
  4. Which of the following lines does NOT a word?

    1. Line 1
    2. Line 6
    3. Line 15
    4. Line 16
  5. The best replacement for the blanks to transition to the next body paragraph is

    1. both children’s struggles inside the camps are quite long
    2. both children are used to attention from many people
    3. both children have not yet had their creative ability sapped out of them by standardized tests
    4. (no change)

“Writing Conventions and Skills”

Directions: The questions in this test are multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question on this test has four possible choices. Read each multiple-choice question on this test and decide which of the four provided answers is the best answer to the multiple-choice question. Find the row in your answer sheet with a number that matches the number of the multiple-choice question you are working on. In that row, fill in the oval with the same letter as the letter of the answer you selected as the answer that best answers the multiple-choice question you are working on.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

(1) The firefighter showed us a film. (2) It was the same one from last year. (3) It showed a house burning up. (4) The fire started small in a corner, and grew to envelop the whole house. (5) I thought it was really, really, really scary. (6) After the film ended, the firefighter gave us each a piece of candy. (7) My candy was lemon-flavored.
  1. Which two sentences should be combined to make the passage flow most smoothly?
    1. 1 and 2
    2. 2 and 3
    3. 4 and 5
    4. 6 and 7
  2. Which literary device features most prominently in this passage?

    1. hyperbole
    2. imagery
    3. metaphor
    4. symbolism
  3. The voice of the author is best described as

    1. bored
    2. cynical
    3. frightened
    4. imaginary
  4. Which of the following statements, if added to the paragraph, would add details without destroying the paragraph?

    1. My best friend Ralph is allergic to lemons.
    2. The last sentence was sarcasm.
    3. I thought about roasted marshmallows.
    4. The film was 43 and a half seconds long.
  5. Which of the following sentences would be most effective if added to the passage?

    1. Tentacool used BubbleBeam!
    2. Pidgey used Twister!
    3. Pikachu used ThunderShock!
    4. Oddish used Acid!

“Quantitative Reasoning”

Directions: The questions in this test are multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question on this test has four possible choices that may potentially be chosen as answers to the multiple-choice question. Read each multiple-choice question on this test and decide which of the four provided answers to the multiple-choice question on this test is the best answer to the multiple-choice question on this test. Find the row in your answer sheet with an adjacent number that completely matches the number of the multiple-choice question on this test you are working on. In the row in your answer sheet with an adjacent number that completely matches the number of the multiple-choice question on this test you are working on, fill in the oval with:

  • A, if the quantity in Column A is larger
  • B, if the quantity in Column B is larger
  • C, if the quantities in Column A and Column B are equal
  • D, if there is not enough information for you to decide.
1. x y
2. 0/0 00
Pi is a constant that begins 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999…
3. The 1000000th digit of pi after the decimal point 5
4. The ninth lucky number The ninth happy number
5. The number of questions in this test with correct answer B The number of questions in this test with correct answer A

“Math I”

Directions: The questions in this test are multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question on this test has four possible choices that may potentially be chosen as answers to the multiple-choice question. Read each multiple-choice question on this test and decide which of the four provided answers to the multiple-choice question on this test is the best answer to the multiple-choice question on this test. Find the row in your answer sheet with an adjacent number that completely matches the number of the multiple-choice question on this test you are working on. In the row in your answer sheet with an adjacent number that completely matches the number of the multiple-choice question on this test you are working on, fill in the oval with the same letter as the letter of the answer you selected as the answer from the four provided answers that may potentially be chosen as answers to the multiple-choice question on this test that you are working on that best answers the multiple-choice question on this test you are working on.


  1. The use of a calculator is NOT permitted on this multiple-choice test.
  2. Assume that all numbers are real numbers unless otherwise specified.
  3. The domain of every function is the set of numbers on which the function is defined. Assume that this is true.
  1. If a triangle has each of its corners cut off, with part of every original side remaining, a hexagon is the result. If an enneadecagon has each of its corners cut off, with part of every original side remaining, the resulting figure is a/an
    1. icosakaidigon
    2. icosakaioctagon
    3. triacontakaihenagon
    4. triacontakaioctagon
  2. The determinant of the matrix \[\left( \begin{array}{cccc} a & b & c & d \\ e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \\ m & n & o & p \end{array} \right)\] is

    1. afkp − aflo − agjp + agln + ahjo − ahkn − bekp + belo + bgip − bglm − bhio + bhkm + cejp − celn − cfip + cflm + chin − chjm − dejo + dekn + dfio − dfkm − dgin + dgjm
    2. afkp − aflo − agjp + agno + ahjl − ahkn − bekp + belo + bgip − bgmo − bhil + bhkm + cejp − ceno − cfip + cfmo + chin − chjm − dejl + dekn + dfil − dfkm − dgin + dgjm
    3. − afhn + afkp − agjp + agln + ahjo − aklo − befp + belo + bfhm + bgip − bglm − bhio + cejp − celn + chin − chjm − cikp + cklm + defn − dejo − dfkm − dgin + dgjm + diko
    4. afkp − aflo + agil − agjp − ahik + ahjo − bekp + belo − bglm + bgnp + bhkm − bhno − ceil + cejp + cflm − cfnp + chin − chjm + deik − dejo − dfkm + dfno − dgin + dgjm
  3. If \(i^2 = -1\), what is the value of \((4+i)(3-4i)\)?

    1. This question cannot be answered because it violates item i. in the notes
    2. This question cannot be answered because it violates item ii. in the notes
    3. This question cannot be answered because it violates item iii. in the notes
    4. 3 (in \(\mathbb{Z}/13\mathbb{Z}\))
  4. Violet wants to use a statistic in her science project. Which mean has the most awesome-sounding name?

    1. arithmetic-geometric mean
    2. contraharmonic mean
    3. interquartile mean
    4. subcontrary mean
  5. Which of the following graphs does not represent a function?
    1. graph1
    2. graph2
    3. graph3
    4. graph4

“Math II”

Directions: The questions in this test are multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question on this test has four possible choices that may potentially be chosen as answers to the multiple-choice question. Read each multiple-choice question on this test and decide which of the four provided answers to the multiple-choice question on this test is the best answer to the multiple-choice question on this test. Find the row in your answer sheet with an adjacent number that is equal to 6 minus the number of the multiple-choice question on this test you are working on. In the row in your answer sheet with an adjacent number that is equal to 6 minus the number of the multiple-choice question on this test you are working on, fill in the oval with the same letter as the letter of the answer you selected as the answer from the four provided answers that may potentially be chosen as answers to the multiple-choice question on this test that you are working on that best answers the multiple-choice question on this test you are working on, after ROT-13 encoding.

  1. The use of a calculator IS permitted on this multiple-choice test.
  2. Assume that all numbers are real numbers unless otherwise specified.
  3. The domain of every function is the set of numbers on which the function is defined. Assume that this is true.
  1. The yearly profit of Evil, Inc. is listed below.
    • 245,000
    • 127,000
    • 5,000
    • 369,000
    • 78,000
    What is the total profit?
    1. 42
    2. 817,213.3719
    3. 824,000
    4. 176,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
  2. What is the distance from the point (1,2) to the point (4,6)? (Note: The distance from a point \((x_1, y_1)\) to a point \((x_2, y_2)\) is the value \(\sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}\). Here, the symbol \(\sqrt{\qquad}\) means the square root of the value inside, which is the nonnegative number that, when squared, equals the value inside. For example, \(\sqrt{25} = 5\).)

    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8
  3. O O O
    O O O
    O O O
  4. The diagram above represents an electronic game. Each time the player pushes a button, a randomly selected circle lights up. What is the probability that the publisher of this game fails to make any money off it?

    1. 1/2
    2. 4/7
    3. 9/11
    4. 1
  5. Consider this graph of the function f(x). badgraph What is the value of f(0)?
    1. 0.24
    2. 0.25
    3. 0.26
    4. 0.27
  6. Which of the following graphs does not represent a function?
    1. graph1
    2. graph2
    3. graph3
    4. graph4

“Algebra I”

Directions: There are no problems in this test. We were too lazy to change the answer sheet. Please bubble in a picture of Mario on your answer sheet.

“Constructed Response: Reading Comprehension”

Directions: Please answer the question in the space provided.

Question 1 is based on the passage below.

Firstly, the population growth in our civilization causes an equal growth in demand for subsistence. This forces humans to find a way to increase supply to match this, and one of the cheapest ways to do so is creating new farming land through deforestation. Scientists predict that, when we reach 2050, the world population will grow by 30%, accompanied by a 50% rise in needed food supplies. Unfortunately, the Earth and the land it provides for us to grow crops does not expand along with this. To increase yield from agriculture, deforestation is used to clear land and is much cheaper than other methods, such as buying more efficient machinery to assist farmers. Also, the climate of the forest is particularly suitable for a type of soy that scientists have developed. Soy is important in many people’s diets because it is an extremely protein-rich food, which is another reason why deforestation matches the increasing demand so well.
  1. The percentage 50% appears in the text. Why do you think the author chose this percentage? Support your answer with specific details from the passage.

“Constructed Response: Mathematics”

Directions: Please answer the questionss in the space provided.

  1. The maximal number of regions obtained by joining n points around a circle is given below:
    n regions
    1 1
    2 2
    3 4
    4 8
    5 16
    Based on the information given, what is probably the number of regions obtained by joining 7 points around a circle? Show your work.
  2. Completely simplify the expression \(x + x - x\). Show your work.

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