Tag → nikoli

Puzzle 34 / Snail's Nest

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? This is something I constructed semi-experimentally to stop failing at an entire genre of puzzles, and then procrastinated posting just about forever. I only test-solved this on paper; I hope I didn’t do anything silly while digitizing.

Rules paraphrased from USPC because I can’t find any good links: Write each of the given words into its own snail; letters must be entered from the outside of the snail spirally inward. Not all squares will be used; squares with “-” must stay blank. Each letter can appear at most once in each row and column.

Puzzle 33 / Ice Barns

Noticed this at meander lawn who has a really broad puzzle blogroll… I don’t really know what I’m doing and may have misinterpreted something, but here goes. (Ahahaha puzzle 33 on 11/22… I wish it was intentional :P)

Draw a path through square centers which enters and exits through the given places. Outside the “ice barns” (the gray things), the path may turn freely but may not self-intersect; inside “ice barns” the path may self-intersect but may not turn. Each ice barn (not necessarily every cell but every region, I think) must be passed over. The path must pass through each given arrow in the given direction.

Puzzle 32 / Slitherlink [Crosslink + Liar]

Yes, a “big” crazy mutant puzzle for a “milestone” (as seen on xkcd), both for this blog and for my life. Things are rough now, but I prepared this ridiculously ahead of time. It’s still not really big, but I’m not so experienced and I don’t have the inspiration for something like an entire mini-puzzlehunt. Also, I think I should attempt more word-bank-based puzzles some day so I won’t fail as completely at them.

But anyway: This is a Slitherlink combining MellowMelon’s Crosslink and Liar variations. Draw a loop through vertices that can intersect itself but must go straight both times if it does; each number normally indicates how many of the four edges around it are draw, but exactly one clue in each row and column is false. Have fun.

Puzzle 31 / Fillomino [Sashigane]

This is a Fillomino puzzle where every polyomino is required to be an L-shape, as in Sashigane. Write a number in every empty cell so that every group of cells with the same number that is connected through its edges is an L-shape (with arms of positive length and 1-cell thickness) with that number of cells.

My second, and now symmetric, attempt at this crazy self-invented mutant; puzzle 22 was the first. A word of warning: I can’t solve this without bifurcating near the end, so logic purists may be disappointed, but I like the clue arrangement too much. In fact I suspect this puzzle could have many more clues removed without affecting uniqueness, so tight are the rule constraints in this type.

Puzzle 30 / Fillomino [Skyscrapers]

Haha, way-overdue Fillomino-Fillia practice puzzle. This is a Fillomino puzzle; in addition to normal rules, treat numbers inside the grid as building heights. Numbers outside the grid indicate how many buildings can be seen from that direction, where a building blocks all buildings of lower or equal height behind it.

Edit: I should warn that the arithmetic here is pretty annoying.

Puzzle 28 / Fillomino [Nonrectangular]

This is a Fillomino puzzle where every polyomino is required to be nonrectangular (which also bans squares). Write a number in every empty cell so that every group of cells with the same number that is connected through its edges is a shape that’s not a rectangle with that number of cells.

Fillomino-Fillia 2 is coming! Anyway I don’t know how to judge difficulty but this is probably terrible practice. I should try a Skyscrapers if I can keep pretending USH homework doesn’t exist which I probably shouldn’t.

Puzzle 27 / LITS

Nice and tricky. (I think.)

In fact I tried to be too tricky and spent a very long time fixing an ambiguity. It was worth it though.

LITS - Nikoli. Exactly one tetromino per region, no 2x2s, they’re connected, adjacent tetrominoes are noncongruent.

Puzzle 22 / Fillomino [Sashigane]

This is a Fillomino puzzle where every polyomino is required to be an L-shape, as in Sashigane. Write a number in every empty cell so that every group of cells with the same number that is connected through its edges is an L-shape (with arms of positive length and 1-cell thickness) with that number of cells.

May be slightly reminiscent of no-rectangle Fillominoes. Slightly… (Has anybody done this before? It seems so interesting that I feel like I couldn’t be first.)