Pearl Milk Tea Again

Note: My 2008 self wrote this. It is selectively preserved for historical interest and amusement from a lot of similar, chronologically nearby posts. It is not representative of my current beliefs or attitudes.

After submitting my article onto my Magnum Opuses website section I got to drink some more pearl milk tea that wasn’t sweet at all.

When I was little I used to look at everybody drinking bitter things like tea, coffee, beer, wine, and all that. I simply couldn’t imagine growing up and liking them. Everything good at that time was sweet, sugary, sweet, and unhealthy. Then I realized that I hated candy.

Ah, whatever.

I still can’t fathom all that junk they say about smelling nice. Why would one want to drink or eat something just because it smelled nice? Of course there’s the stuff about taste and smell being interlinked, but it’s just too weird. When I start drinking beer like I drink juice now I will know. That’s trivial. How boring.

Pearls are too good. I like bigger ones because I can chew them to get the bit of sweetness concealed within the centers of the pearls. I wonder how close I got to the way I put it in “Pearl Milk Tea”.

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Today I got to eat a donut.

(note: the commenting setup here is experimental and I may not check my comments often; if you want to tell me something instead of the world, email me!)