Category → thoughts

The Return of the Omnipotent Biker

Note: My 2008 self wrote this. It is selectively preserved for historical interest and amusement from a lot of similar, chronologically nearby posts. That’s all.

Biking is fun. Unfortunately it doesn’t require as much exertion as other workout methods do. The thing you learn most from it is how to obey traffic.

“I asked him if he knew what the word ‘obey’ meant. He replied,”Sure. It’s a place online where you can buy stuff.""


Note: My 2008 self wrote this. It is selectively preserved for historical interest and amusement from a lot of similar, chronologically nearby posts. It is not representative of my current beliefs or attitudes.

Recent excercise: I’ve bicycled all over the place, almost going into Jhubei. Obviously, with parental notice. In fact they rode with me. Or, more strictly speaking I rode with them. Whatever. Also I’ve done a few pushups wrongly. And I’m typing, I guess. Ah, whatever.

Virtues, Complaints, and Trash

Note: My 2008 self wrote this. It is selectively preserved for historical interest and amusement from a lot of similar, chronologically nearby posts. It is not representative of my current beliefs or attitudes. I hope you enjoy the glimpse into a sixth grader’s psyche while he attempts to wax philosophical.

I have been pondering an interesting problem for a long time. Which virtue is the best, the most important, the most worthy of epitomizing the word “virtue”? Due to homework constraints I have been unable to put this up for a long time, which is frustrating.

My candidates: First, honesty. Then we have kindness. Then responsibility, and optimism, and courage, and intelligence. It doesn’t look like a fair match, really.

Human Dependencies and More Trash

Note: My 2008 self wrote this. It is selectively preserved for historical interest and amusement from a lot of similar, chronologically nearby posts. It is not representative of my current beliefs or attitudes. I hope you enjoy the glimpse into a sixth grader’s psyche while he attempts to wax philosophical.

Humans depend on electricity. It’s the main problem with blackouts.

Prehistoric people didn’t have this dependency. If our world is further electronized, blackouts will be very dangerous and will have to be made more robust.

Peanut Butter Viscosity

Note: My 2008 self wrote this. It is selectively preserved for historical interest and amusement from a lot of similar, chronologically nearby posts. That’s all.

Note to self: PB gets stickier when toasted. Slightly strange because under heat it should flow easier, but it’s probably the same principle as the way cement works.